(770) 995-3220

Medical Center Professional Park

749 Old Norcross Road, Suite A

Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046  [map]

First Visit

Begin Patient Forms

Prior to the initial visit, please complete the First Visit Forms.

Be sure to bring the forms to

your child’s (children’s) first visit.

Children are never too young to be seen by a dentist, particularly for issues involving an injury to the mouth, or if the parents or child’s physician see or suspect any oral/dental problems. However, the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry ideally recommends scheduling the first preventive dental visit by twelve months of age, or soon after the emergence of the first baby (primary) teeth, and certainly no later than eighteen to twenty-four months of age. A thorough oral evaluation at that time along with any indicated x-rays is very important in detecting a host of possible problems that may be already present or potentially ready to develop, such as tooth and oral soft tissue disease and abnormalities, developing bite problems and many others. By beginning early and maintaining regular check up visits, normally every six months, these dental problems can be minimized or prevented altogether.


This first dental visit involves an oral-facial examination along with preventive home care guidance and tips for the parents including oral hygiene and nutritional information, proper fluoride levels etc. A dental cleaning may be attempted along with possible indicated x-rays depending on the child’s age and comfort level. This visit is a thorough but short and easy get-acquainted visit. It will help pave the way for a less anxious child for subsequent appointments, should any dental work be required.


In preparing your child for their first dental procedure such as a filling, always be optimistic and matter of fact. Keep explanations short. Do not show any signs of your own fear that you may have, and do not use words like “hurt,” “needle,” “drill,” “shot,” etc.  If necessary, offer your child some type of incentive in order to get them to the appointment. Be positive. Prepare them for a fun visit. Then leave the rest up to our office. We will provide the excellent care that you desire and your child deserves, and will make the experience as pleasant as possible at the same time.